We can’t wait!
After thousands of hours of work and too many late nights to count, I’m stoked to announce SeatMate is launching our Kickstarter tomorrow, May 7th. Through the last year or so we have been bootstrapping this company, and I would not have been able to get to this point without the team. A massive shoutout to our President, Jake Singer, without his experience and work-ethic, we would not have been able to get to launch. Also want to thank Ryan O'Malley, his creative direction is directly responsible for the 150M+ views and 90k followers we have amassed across socials. Big credit to Austin Zimmerman, his knowledge of brand deals and affiliates has been crucial to setting up the next leg of our marketing strategy. And a huge thanks to our consultants in ads, sourcing, finance, and customer support. The team has been crushing it and SeatMate wouldn’t be where it is without them. We are ready for launch tomorrow and hope you and your pets are too!