Your commute to work is teeming with microbial life—especially if you take public transportation. (It’s worth noting: this is often a good thing!) Researchers have studied subway microbiomes from around the world—Boston, Mexico City, Oslo, Hong Kong, and New York. They’ve found that every touchpoint, from handrails to seats to ticket machines, carries a unique microbiome shaped by passengers, seasons, time of day, and even events years in the past.¹᠈² For example, a 2015 study uncovered marine-associated bacteria in a NYC subway station that had flooded during Hurricane Sandy 3 years prior.³ When you interact with surfaces on public transportation, you deposit and acquire microbes, enabling indirect exchange with the other people around you. The good news is that most of these bacteria are harmless, and some may even benefit your health. For instance, after a subway ride, commuters’ skin microbiomes tend to have more microbial diversity and species richness (which can be positives for skin and immune function).⁴ So, instead of taking your commute for granted, remember it’s not just about getting from A to B—it’s a shared microbial experience with fellow passengers and the environment around you. 𑇐 ¹ Gohli, J., Bøifot, K. O., Moen, L. V., Pastuszek, P., Skogan, G., Udekwu, K. I., & Dybwad, M. (2019). The subway microbiome: Seasonal dynamics and direct comparison of air and surface bacterial communities. Microbiome, 7(1). ² Kang, K., Ni, Y., Li, J., Imamovic, L., Sarkar, C., Kobler, M. D., Heshiki, Y., Zheng, T., Kumari, S., Wong, J. C. Y., Archna, A., Wong, C. W. M., Dingle, C., Denizen, S., Baker, D. M., Sommer, M. O. A., Webster, C. J., & Panagiotou, G. (2018). The environmental exposures and inner- and intercity traffic flows of the metro system may contribute to the skin microbiome and resistome. Cell Reports, 24(5), 1190-1202.e5. ³ Afshinnekoo, E., Meydan, C., Chowdhury, S., Jaroudi, D., Boyer, C., Bernstein, N., Maritz, J. M., Reeves, D., Gandara, J., Chhangawala, S., Ahsanuddin, S., Simmons, A., Nessel, T., Sundaresh, B., Pereira, E., Jorgensen, E., Kolokotronis, S., Kirchberger, N., Garcia, I., . . . Mason, C. E. (2015). Geospatial resolution of human and bacterial diversity with city-scale metagenomics. Cell Systems, 1(1), 72–87. ⁴ Vargas-Robles, D., Gonzalez-Cedillo, C., Hernandez, A. M., Alcaraz, L. D., & Peimbert, M. (2020). Passenger-surface microbiome interactions in the subway of Mexico City. PLoS ONE, 15(8), e0237272.
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