Thankful, grateful, and blessed! Thank you, Scott Christensen, CLU, ChFC, CFP, CLF and Brady Sullivan Properties for your generosity and continued support 🙏🏻
Recruiter -Northwestern Mutual | Building the Future of Financial Planning with Exceptional, Diverse, Entrepreneurial Mindset Individuals | #NMNNE
Yesterday with the support of Brady Sullivan Properties we kicked off our annual Week of Giving. Together with Brady Sullivan Properties we donations in the total of $10,000 to Southeast NH Habitat for Humanity, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, American Red Cross, Families in Transition, and Veterans Count. Thank you to everyone who participated in the check presentation. #weekofgiving #communitysupport #NMNNE #BradySullivan #SENHHabitatforHumanity #AlexslemonadeStand #AmericanRedCross #FamiiesinTransition #VeternsCount #givingback Scott Christensen, CLU, ChFC, CFP, CLF Gwynneth MacKenzie Jason (Jay) Kalil, CLU, CLTC (He/Him) Anne Bilodeau Marcie Bergan Michelle C. mary silva Kathy Flynn