Pure Technology. Pure Engagement.
Slashdot Media is the global leader in professional technology communities. Its properties - Slashdot.org and SourceForge.net - provide tools, software and forums where IT professionals create, collaborate, & distribute software, and discuss technology news and products with their peers. Slashdot Media’s communities are “Pure Technology. Pure Engagement.”
Slashdot Media helps clients connect and engage with its global audience through a full suite of data-driven, integrated demand generation marketing solutions including lead gen, display & native advertising, email marketing, and more - all designed to drive net-new business into a client's sales & marketing pipelines.
Internet Publishing
Company size
51-200 employees
San Diego, CA
Privately Held
Online Media, Community Services, Marketing Services, B2B Tech Media, Advertising, Technology, Software, demand generation, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Intent Data, Digital Display Advertising, Lead Generation, Matching Technology Companies with Technology Buyers, Open Source Software, Online Tech Forum, and Custom Content