Here they are minus one! This was the uniform try-on and practice in it day, a couple haircuts are pending and t-shirt color will change. Today's practice was great! We have only spent 12 hours together over the last two weeks learning the minimum to present the colors at the Space Power Conference in Orlando on Tuesday. Many thanks to Mr. David Bonanza as the first SFCC squadron leader who has been instrumental in facilitating training so far and is excited about the SFCC future!
Honestly, it feels more like three months, but in a good way!
The six cadets dealt with illness, learning the particulars for ordering uniforms, learning how to wear a uniform, flagstaff manual, rifle manual, marching, learning to not be four individuals and work as a team, and so much more.
The future is so bright for the first Space Force Cadet Corps with the curriculum of space law, AI, and so much more just waiting for them. The squadron stand-up is in January. Now, I need to design a unit color and the guidon.
FYI, the flag manufacturer I used for the SFCC flag screwed up twice. I will never recommend it again nor will they make anything for SFCC. Unfortunate.
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Prov 1:7b, Fools despise wisdom and instruction
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