STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association

STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association

IT Services and IT Consulting

Prishtina, Kosovo 5,197 followers

Leading Drivers of ICT

About us

As a catalyst to the dynamic technology industry, STIKK accelerates growth and progress for the fast-paced economy, shaping the industry at large. STIKK provides a platform that unites technology leaders to connect and collaborate, and it avidly supports members who push the boundaries to propel technology forward. Striving towards the development of the ICT industry, STIKK implemented numerous projects aimed to promote the ICT sector of Kosovo, improve its regulatory framework, implement research and industry-specific analysis, and facilitate professional development of sector’s constituents. STIKK currently accounts for 90% of the whole ICT market of Kosovo. - Vision The Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK) shall have a central role in stimulating the dynamic growth of the ICT sector in Kosovo, thereby opening up new opportunities and increasing competitiveness of the sector, within the country and abroad. - Mission STIKK shall help in creating a more conducive environment for the ICT development, by supporting establishment of standards, education opportunities, and by advocating with the Government to ensure the attractiveness of the sector in terms of both new businesses and investment. - Strategic Objectives 1. Create conducive legislative and policy environment for a rapid development of the ICT sector 2. Human resource development consistent with the ICT sector demands 3. Provide services to members, with a view to creating new business opportunities 4. Creating conditions for a sustainable activity of the STIKK 5. Support members in exercising social responsibility of the ICT sector

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
2-10 employees
Prishtina, Kosovo
Advocating, ICT Professional Trainings, ICT Events and Conferences, Project Management, and Networking


Employees at STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association


  • Happening now 🎉 STIKK në bashkëpunim me Projektin Enabling Income Generation for the Poor (EnInGeP) 🤝 po organizon sot një trajnim njëditor për Aftësitë e Buta 💼 në Qendrën e Zhvillimit të Karrierës 🎓. Zhvillimi i aftësi kyçe në: • 📢 Komunikim efektiv • 🏆 Lidership dhe vendimmarrje • 🔎 Vetëdijësim dhe rritje personale Ky trajnim ka për qëllim fuqizimin e vajzave 💪 në udhëtimin e tyre akademik dhe profesional 🚀. Prioriteti është për studentet vajza, por të gjithë janë të mirëseardhur! ⭐ 🗓 23.01.2025 ⏰ Ora 12:00 – 16:00 📍 Qendra e Zhvillimit të Karrierës ECIKS #STIKK #EnInGeP #SoftSkillsTraining #ECIKS #QZHK #UPisUP

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  • Aleanca e Tech Parqeve dhe Inkubatorëve të Kosovës (ATIK) ka dorëzuar një dokument gjithëpërfshirës me propozime për zhvillimin e sektorit të Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Komunikimit (TIK), Ndërmarrësisë dhe Inovacionit, tek të gjitha partitë politike të Republikës së Kosovës që garojnë në zgjedhjet parlamentare në shkurt të vitit 2025. Theksojmë se ky hap strategjik synon të angazhojë politikëbërësit që sektori i TIK-ut të përfshihet si prioritet kyç në programet e tyre zgjedhore dhe qeverisëse. ITP Prizren, VentureUP, Innovation Centre Kosovo, Next Gen Networks Institute, Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren, Gračanica Innovation Centre #TechParkPrishtina #JakovaInnovationCenter #ParkuTeknologjikKamenicë #ATIK

    ATIK u dorëzon partive politike propozimin për zhvillimin e sektorit të TIK-ut në Kosovë

    ATIK u dorëzon partive politike propozimin për zhvillimin e sektorit të TIK-ut në Kosovë

  • We had the pleasure of welcoming the European Union Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Aivo Orav, to our premises at TechPark Prishtina. During this visit, the ambassador had the opportunity to learn more about the work and successes of startups participating in the StarUp project, funded by the European Union in Kosovo and implemented by STIKK. The startups presented their ideas to the ambassador and shared how the EU support has impacted the development of their ideas and strengthened their market position. In a meeting with STIKK representatives, the ambassador was also introduced to our role and activities in advancing the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in Kosovo, as well as the extraordinary potential of our companies in this field. Collaboration with the European Union is essential for supporting initiatives that empower the private sector and promote economic development in our country. We thank Ambassador Orav and the EU for their commitment as strategic partners in supporting key sectors of Kosovo's economy.

    View organization page for STAR UP, graphic


    Yesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming the European Union Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Aivo Orav, to our premises at TechPark Prishtina. During this visit, the ambassador had the opportunity to learn more about the work and successes of startups participating in the StarUp project, funded by the European Union in Kosovo and implemented by STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association. The startups presented their ideas to the ambassador and shared how the EU support has impacted the development of their ideas and strengthened their market position. In a meeting with STIKK representatives, the ambassador was also introduced to our role and activities in advancing the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in Kosovo, as well as the extraordinary potential of our companies in this field. Collaboration with the European Union is essential for supporting initiatives that empower the private sector and promote economic development in our country. We thank Ambassador Orav and the EU for their commitment as strategic partners in supporting key sectors of Kosovo's economy. #STIKK #starup #EuropeanUnionInKosovo

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  • STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association reposted this

    At StarUp, we believe that knowledge is the key to success! 💡 That’s why we offer personalized training programs to support entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. Whether you're just starting out or ready to scale your business, we’re here to help you grow. 🚀 Don't miss our next session—let’s take your ideas to new heights! 🌐 Powered by the EU and implemented by STIKK. #StarUpKosovo #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #Startups #Trainings

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  • We’re proud to announce our partnership with OLIVIER REWARD CONSULTING to support the growth of Kosovo’s ICT sector through workforce development and strategic collaboration. This initiative is facilitated by USAID’s Private-led Workforce Development Activity. GERMIN . #PartnershipForGrowth #TechInnovation #KosovoICT

  • SESIONE INFORMATIVE: zbuloni gjithçka që duhet të dini për të përfituar nga bashkëfinancimi mes 50,000 EUR dhe 350,000 EUR. Kjo nismë e LuxDev - Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, Agjencionit të Luksemburgut për bashkëpunim zhvillimor🇱🇺 synon të bashkëfinancojë zgjidhje inovative dhe me ndikim, të drejtuara nga bizneset me bazë në Kosovë 🇽🇰, që adresojnë sfida shoqërore si ekonomia qarkore, dixhitalizimi, ose specializimi në sektorin e prodhimit, si dhe inovacione të TIK-ut për qasje në edukim, kujdes shëndetesor dhe mobilitet. Mos i humbisni këto sesione informative për të mësuar rreth procesit të aplikimit, si dhe për të zbuluar të gjitha detajet rreth thirrjes për aplikim dhe gjithçka që duhet të dini për LuxAid Challenge Fund dhe LuxAid Demonstration Fund! 🌐 Data, ora dhe vendi: E mërkure ,11 dhjetor, në ora 14:30 (CET), Hotel Prishtina - Pejton. E martë, 14 janar, në ora 14:30 (CET), Hotel Prishtina - Pejton. Bëj tag një biznes dhe shpërndaje këtë postim! Së bashku, le të krijojmë inovacione për një të ardhme të qëndrueshme! 🌍✨ #LuxAid #Sesioninformativ #ThirrjePërPropozime #Inovacion #Kosovë #Qëndrueshmëri #Prodhim #LuxDev #LuxAidChallengeFund #LuxAidDemonstrationFund

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  • 🚀 Mundësi Frymëzuese për Bizneset Inovative në Kosovë! 🇽🇰🇱🇺 Agjencioni Zhvillimor i Luksemburgut fton startup-et dhe bizneset e konsoliduara kosovare të aplikojnë për LuxAid Challenge Fund (LCF) dhe LuxAid Demonstration Fund (LDF) për të adresuar sfidat shoqërore në fusha si prodhimi, edukimi, kujdesi shëndetësor dhe mobiliteti. 🔹 LCF: Për startup-et e regjistruara ndërmjet 1 qershor 2020 – 1 janar 2024 🔹 LDF: Për bizneset e regjistruara para 1 nëntor 2019 💰 Bashkëfinancim deri në 350,000 EUR 📅 Afati për aplikim: 24 janar 2025 💻 Webinari informues: 5 dhjetor, ora 10:00, regjistrohuni në linkun: Aplikimi duhet të bëhet në gjuhën angleze. Për më shumë informacion rreth fondeve dhe për të aplikuar, klikoni linkun: Bëni tag një biznes dhe shpërndani këtë lajm! Së bashku, le të krijojmë inovacione për një të ardhme të qëndrueshme! 🌍✨ LuxDev #Inovacion #Biznes #Kosovë #LuxAid #LuxDev #Bashkëfinancim #LuxAid Challenge Fund #LuxAid Demonstration Fund

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  • 🏆 Tech Park Prishtina Wins at the 2024 Architecture Biennale! We are thrilled to share that Studio Urban Plus, the brilliant minds behind the design of our building, has won First Place in the Educational and Institutional Buildings category at the 2024 Architecture Biennale organized by the Association of Architects of Kosovo. The award, decided by an esteemed international, regional, and local jury, is a testament to the innovative and inspiring design that perfectly aligns with Tech Park Prishtina's mission to drive creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Congratulations to Studio Ubran Plus for this incredible achievement, and thank you for creating a space that empowers the future of technology and entrepreneurship in Kosovo! 🎉

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  • We’re honored to partner with USAID Kosovo Compete Activity in our shared vision of advancing Kosovo’s ICT sector! Their support has been instrumental in shaping Tech Park Prishtina, empowering Kosovo’s tech industry to innovate and compete internationally. A big thanks to USAID Kosovo Compete Activity for their dedication and collaboration—pushing Kosovo’s ICT sector forward! 🌍💡 #STIKK #USAIDKosovo #CompeteActivity #TechParkPrishtina #WomenInTech #Innovation

    View organization page for Kosovo Export Network, graphic


    ✨Meet Vjollca Çavolli, Executive Director of STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association Under Vjollca’s #guidance and #dedication, STIKK has become the voice of #ICT companies in #Kosovo. Being the only ICT #association in our country and representing about 120 member companies, STIKK has always advocated for the needs of this sector, contributing to the #success that it has now. The biggest achievement of the partnership with #USAID #CompeteActivity has been the concept development of #TechParkPrishtina, which aims to make ICT the leading sector of Kosovo’s economy. Additionally, this collaboration has supported the #export of ICT services and products for local companies and has taken initiatives intended to #empower women in #technology, encouraging more diversity in the field. 🌐👩💻 Reflecting on her #journey, Vjollca emphasizes the importance of embracing technological changes and always having an #openminded approach in order to be successful in this industry. 💡 USAID DT Global STIKK - Kosovo ICT Association #ICT #Kosovo #STIKK #USAIDKosovo #CompeteActivity #TechParkPrishtina #WomenInTech #Innovation

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