The Association for Cannabis Banking is thrilled to host this latest installment in Shield's Cannabis Bankers' Quarterly series at ACB! You don't want to miss this FREE event and register now at this link: September 25, 12:15pm ET. Erin O'Donnell, CMM, Meridith Beird, Kirsten Trusko, MBA, GSD, James Beird, EmergingMarketsCoalition (EMC), Tony Repanich #cannabisbanking
Join our free webinar on September 25 to hear directly from regulators about their views on banking the cannabis industry. We are excited to have John Geiringer, partner at Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP and Robert Jefferies, CAMS, senior examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago lead a discussion co-hosted by the Association for Cannabis Banking. Register at Tony Repanich, Richard Drennen, CBP, Erin O'Donnell, CMM, Michael Beird, MBA CBP® #cannabis #cannabisbanking #cannabiscompliance #banks #creditunions #banking #bankingindustry #amlcompliance #regulatorycompliance