The Trademark Place

The Trademark Place

Legal Services

Your Place for Trademarks

About us

The Trademark Place helps people and businesses protect their brands and intellectual property. Whether you need to register a new trademark, refile an abandoned mark, or maintain/renew your current mark, we can assist you. We understand that your trademark is more than just a name or a logo. It is a valuable asset that represents your reputation, identity, and goodwill. That is why we work closely with you to understand your business goals and provide personalized solutions that suit your needs and budget. We are committed to delivering high-quality legal services with integrity, professionalism, and responsiveness. We communicate with you regularly and keep you informed of every step of the process. We also offer flat fees for our services so you can avoid any surprises or hidden costs.

Legal Services
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at The Trademark Place


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