Tier One Inc.

Tier One Inc.

Business Consulting and Services

Lexington Park, MD 89 followers

Business consulting, elite leadership and team development instructed by former Navy SEALs and current business leaders.

About us

Tier One Inc.’s mission is to forge the elite leaders and teams of tomorrow TODAY. At Tier One Inc., we believe that “forging” the ELITE is not a one-time event but a continual process of grooming, developing, and maintaining. To this end, we offer a variety of services at all stages of this process including: consultation on recruitment and selection of personnel, development and integration of the Tier One thought process, and culture development. Our services are tailored to meet the needs of the individuals and teams at all levels, ensuring their unique objectives are successfully met as we believe in one option, and one option only – MISSION SUCCESS, no matter the cost!

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Lexington Park, MD
Leadership Development, Teamwork Development, Defense Consulting, Motivational Speaking, HR Consulting, Business Consulting, Personal Defense Strategies, Individual Coaching, and Fitness


Employees at Tier One Inc.


  • Time for the yearly debrief! The debrief is an objective assessment of what went well, what could have gone better, and what didn’t go well at all and a key to continued success. Take some time to contemplate some of the following questions: ✏️ Did I complete my mission this year? ✏️ Am I making progress toward completing my mission? ✏️ What could have gone better or went wrong? ✏️ What have I learned this year, all along the continuum from success to failure, that I can use to get me closer to mission success next year? ✏️ What needs to change to help me achieve mission success - mindset, priorities, slight change in definition of success, team, better plan, etc.? ✏️ What am I willing/not willing to sacrifice in the new year to help me achieve mission success? Use these questions to inform how you set yourself up for success in the new year! Remember, you aren’t looking for someone to blame or praise in the debrief. It is a time for reflection toward continual growth and improved chances of success in your current and future missions! #NewYear #Debrief #LeadershipDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TierOneInc

  • “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” ~ Sun Tzu Great leaders see success before it happens. They set clear and concise goals to turn the visualized success into a reality. Each day, with discipline and resolve, they take the required actions to make success happen. Their mental powers of visualization coupled with disciplined action become a self-fulfilling prophecy, seeing the success they want and making it happen. What success are you envisioning? What steps are you taking to make your vision a reality? #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #BusinessConsulting #TierOneInc

  • “When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.” ~ Thomas Jefferson In this quote, Jefferson is advocating against allowing our actions to be controlled by our emotions. When we have a difficult decision to make or we feel our judgment clouded by emotion, we need to mindfully take a step back and reflect. Take a few moments to find a calm, logical headspace and consider your options for action, devoid of emotional charge. Then act rationally and logically from that place of understanding. If you want to avoid regretting emotionally charged reactions and decisions, remember to: ✔️ Pause ✔️ Assess ✔️ Respond #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #ThomasJefferson #TierOneInc

  • “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson Yesterday is in the past. We cannot undo or redo what happened yesterday. A weak leader ignores what occurred in the past, never learning from the past, and is more likely to fail in the future. A strong leader reflects on past occurrences, looking for what they can learn from these experiences and how they can improve. Taking time to learn from the past helps fuel their future growth and success. Take a page from the playbook of a strong leader and take a few moments to reflect on this past week and ask yourself: ✔️ What went well?  ✔️ What didn’t go so well?  ✔️ What do I need to learn/takeaway from this week? ✔️ How can I set myself up for future success? ✔️ What actions can I take today toward success? ✔️ What actions will I commit to do tomorrow to pave the path toward mission success? #PersonalDevelopment #LeadershipDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #Teamwork #TierOneInc

  • Elite teams seamlessly work together to complete their mission like pieces in a puzzle. Each individual team member brings their unique experiences, perspectives, strengths and weaknesses to the table. These traits create their unique field of view - the patterning on their “puzzle piece”. Each individual team member might not see the larger picture at first. That is where the team leader comes in. The leader considers the unique talents and knowledge of each team member and how those fit into the mission objectives. Brainstorming together, the leader and their team gain a better understanding of the larger picture and the unique part each individual plays, starting to “piece the puzzle” together for mission success. Elite teams rehearse the plan, ensuring each piece is turned the right way, correctly connected to the rest of the puzzle, and a piece isn’t missing. If a piece is missing, they might be able to recruit someone to fill the gap. For seamless integration, this new recruit needs to have similar values and drive to achieve the mission as the rest of the team. Often, an elite team will work together to obtain the skills and experience necessary to fill the gap, creating the “missing piece”. These additional skills modify their field of view and allow for different and more challenging images to be constructed - expanding the possible mission set and increasing the likelihood of future mission success. When you think about your team, what unique skills do you bring to the table? What skills is your team missing? How can your team fill the gap? #TeamDevelopment #Teamwork #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TierOneInc

  • “Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.” ~ Andrew Jackson A weak leader may stand firm in their beliefs of what is right but seldom will admit when they are wrong. Rather than taking the blame and learning from a mistake, they will find someone else to take the blame. Though a strong leader stands firm in their beliefs, they aren’t afraid to admit when they were wrong. After admitting they were wrong, a strong leader learns from the error and modifies their actions and beliefs accordingly. This engenders trust in the actions and decisions of the strong leader by their team. And trust is one of the hallmarks of success. #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #AndrewJackson #TierOneInc

  • “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand still like the rock.” ~Thomas Jefferson Strong leaders, like a rock, stand firm in their principles. It doesn’t matter if anyone is or isn’t watching, a strong leader acts with those principles in mind, always rising above the standards they set for themselves and their team. They may need to stand alone and do what they know to be the right thing even when no one else agrees to stand firm in their principles. Because they hold firm to their principles, their team comes to trust their leadership even when hard calls have to be made as their decisions are rooted in these principles. What principles do you live by? Who do you think best lives by their principles and what can you learn from them? #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #TeamDevelopment #Teamwork #TierOneInc

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