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How does a tiny nonprofit compete without $1million+ marketing budget? Get Impact Verified. “Becoming Impact Verified was a game-changer for all of our fundraising efforts with existing and prospective funders," shared Leanne Nicolle, former CEO of BBBS Toronto. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto knew they were having an impact. But they still had a challenge convincing donors that their program "works." They had the track-record. They had the data. They were using an evidence-based model. But still, to donors, it wasn't easy to interpret. By registering with the Impact Genome, BBBS was able to demonstrate a 90% efficacy rate (meaning 89/100 youth participants improved social & emotional skills). BBBS was also able to do something few other nonprofits could do: communicate the true cost of their impact. BBBS's 'cost per outcome' or CPO was $2,768. You might ask - "well, that seems a bit pricey, how does that compare to others?" Using the Impact Genome, BBBS (and donors) can now benchmark and compare its results with organizations doing similar work. This is someting that's never before been possible in the social sector. In this case, BBBS was able to show that its cost per outcome of $2,768 was significantly below the benchmark. In fact, the average cost for social and emotional gains, based on nonprofit data in the Impact Genome Registry, is $4,076. Imagine making that point in your "case for support" to donors! Join Leanne Nicolle and thousands of other nonprofit leaders who can now own their impact by getting verified by the Impact Genome Registry. __________ Jason Saul - Invest in impact-verified programs, and maximize your impact.