In 2024, we planted seeds. Seeds of hope, healing and progress. We leaned into the power of community, showing up for one another. We laid a foundation rooted in resilience, creating spaces where women could not only heal but step into leadership with authenticity and strength. 2024 reminded us of the power we hold when we come together to rise. As we step into 2025, we carry these lessons forward. The need for healing and collective leadership has never been more urgent. Through the work we’ve done together, we are ready to meet this moment with intention and courage. This year’s report is both a reflection and a call-to-action. A celebration of what we’ve accomplished and an invitation to keep building a more hopeful, inclusive future for all. To every individual, brand and organization who has walked this journey with us: thank you. Your courage, care and commitment make this work possible. Read the full report here: and join us as we continue to rise together in 2025. 💛 #SeekHerFoundation