Women in Measurement, in collaboration with the Center for Assessment, NBME, and edCount, LLC is thrilled to announce our fifth annual ResearcHER Awards. We invite research proposals that deepen our understanding of race and gender equity within the professional field of educational measurement. Due to the generous support of our program sponsors, we are raising the award amount to offer $10,000 of support for exceptional, women-led research projects that seek to advance gender and racial equity in educational measurement leadership.
Women in Measurement ResearcHERs join a vibrant community of scholars
supported by experienced mentors, Tomoe Kanaya, Ph.D. and YJ Kim. The selected cohort of ResearcHERs will meet regularly to connect, share progress, and receive feedback and guidance.
We welcome a diverse range of research ideas that will support the mission of Women in Measurement.
No budget submission is required; recipients have full discretion over the use of funds. The funding can support research expenses, including attending a conference to share findings.
Learn more about this opportunity at https://bit.ly/43VMdjh