Women4GlobalFund (W4GF)

Women4GlobalFund (W4GF)

Non-profit Organizations

We share a deep commitment to ensure that Global Fund programmes meet the rights and priorities of women and girls.

About us

Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) is a movement that unites and mobilises activists to advance gender equality throughout all policies and processes of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), especially through the programmes funded at national level in implementing countries Created and led by women, W4GF is a key space for women in all their diversity focusing on the Global Fund, and the impacts it has on the three diseases. We focus primarily on educating and advocating, and we use both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ strategies in our efforts to raise awareness of and attention to critical issues for women (including adolescent girls and young women) within the overall Global Fund environment. This means that we work closely with the Global Fund Secretariat, including its Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) department, and also sometimes pushes the Secretariat or Board to do more and to do things differently – through letters, policy statements, activist manifestoes and participating in the formal structures and ‘machinery’ of the Global Fund.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at Women4GlobalFund (W4GF)


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