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Unwell employees cost organizations billions in lost productivity each year. Can your company afford to overlook workplace wellness? A strong wellness strategy ensures programs and actions that keep employees physically, financially, and psychologically healthy and safe. More than ever, employees and job candidates expect this—over two-thirds demand it! But how do you gain buy-in, take the necessary steps, and implement programs that make a real impact? At Wowledge, we’ve developed proven tools and practices to help organizations take meaningful action. Making sure all ties back to business outcomes. Here’s a sneak peek of the tools that are part of our Workplace Wellness program: 1️⃣ HR Strategy Alignment Worksheet Identify wellness initiatives alignment with broader HR strategic objectives. 2️⃣ Wellness Business Case Template Capture analysis and present wellness initiatives' impact and investment to secure leadership approval. 3️⃣ Total Worker Health Assessment Tracker Define assessment plans and analyze trends to identify focus areas shaping wellness strategy. 4️⃣ Communication Strategy Template Align messages, channels, and stakeholders to enhance communication effectiveness and engagement. 5️⃣ Wellness Impact Matrix Assess how organizational initiatives affect employee wellness, resources, and organizational culture. 6️⃣ Organizational Scan (SWOT) Worksheet Identify and prioritize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to improve outcomes. 7️⃣ Wellness Working Group Charter Define purpose and stakeholder clarity for a wellness-focused governance team. 8️⃣ Workplace Wellness Maturity Assessment Identify an organization’s wellness culture current state and maturity level. 9️⃣ Workplace Wellness Maturity Framework Outline organizational wellness stages to help prioritize actions and track progress. 🔟 Wellness Leadership Competencies Matrix Align leadership behaviors to their impact on employee health, wellness, and well-being. 1️⃣1️⃣ Five Whys Exercise Identify and address root causes of workplace challenges by systematically questioning underlying factors. 1️⃣2️⃣ Hierarchy of Controls Matrix Define actionable strategies to reduce employee exposure to workplace hazards with systematic approaches. 1️⃣3️⃣ Brand to Wellness Matrix Evaluate how a company’s branding elements communicate and align with its culture of wellness and well-being. 👉🏽 Sign up for Free to explore more at ~~~ Click Carlos Larracilla and follow me [+🔔] for daily resources from Wowledge. ⤷ We are making strategic HR accessible to any organization, regardless of size, stage, or expertise level, with: ✔ A scalable system of best practices » ✔ An intelligent HR roadmapping tool » ✔ A seasoned community of experts » ✔ Affordable year-round memberships »