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A place for all your holistic health & wellness needs, to help you unlock a happier life!

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Unlock a world of wellness within you today, with You Are Unlocked! You Are Unlocked provides holistic health and wellness tips. Holistic health is when you take all parts of you into consideration for your wellbeing—physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. Resources and a newsletter are available. Once subscribed to the newsletter service, you'll receive: •A summary of the top global health and wellness news •Practical application tips: discover actionable insights and techniques that’ll help you achieve your personal goals Subscribe today to live a happier and healthier tomorrow!

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  • Do you naturally expect the worst? Here’s how flipping the script could lead to your wild success:   “Believing the best” can seem like a lack of caution. But, Dr. Linda Liau is a prime example of its wisdom.   Dr Liau’s has an impressive history of achievement. To name a few: ·Co-director of the UCLA brain tumour centre ·Chair of a UCLA neurosurgery department ·Work funded by the National Institute of Health for over 20 years ·The first woman president of the Western Neurosurgical Society   Her journey from modest origins— not born into a family of wealth and from the Asian American minority— show the power of optimism, resilience and drive.   Even science backs optimism too. A 15 year study on 4,011 adults showed more optimistic people had lower depression symptoms than pessimists (Karhu et al., 2024).   So, your actions are affected by your outlook.   Having a better outlook frees you up to choose success.    Yet, optimism doesn’t just make you feel better. There are physical benefits too, including: ·35% reduced chance of heart disease (Rozanski et al., 2019) ·Can reduce risk of death at age 65—85 by 45% (Giltay et al., 2004) ·Can lead to 78% chance of having ‘very good’ sleep (Hernandez et al., 2019)   Optimism isn’t about ignoring problems. It’s acknowledging problems, but choosing to see things can change for the best.   What negativity are you facing in life? Can you shift your mind, to see the amazing turnaround that’s waiting for you? DOI references: Giltay et al., 2004— 10.1001/archpsyc.61.11.1126 Hernandez et al., 2019— 10.1080/08964289.2019.1575179 Karhu et al., 2024— 10.1016/j.jad.2024.07.049 Rozanski et al., 2019— 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.12200   #motivation #inspiration #lifestyle #success #mindset #goals #entrepreneur #business

  • Daily exhaustion can be fuelled by constant, low level anxiety. Here’s a free and simple way to raise your energy levels:   Our world is designed to keep you busy. From news, to music, blaring car horns, to the next viral video.   The stream of unending sound and visuals can fuel mental distress.   When you’re exposed to constant noise, your body goes into ‘threat’ mode. It activates your sympathetic nervous system, which triggers stress and danger responses.   This causes: · your blood pressure to rise · makes your heart beat faster · and it could damage your inner ear cells.   These changes can fuel anxiety, which is exhausting to maintain.   Often leading to tiredness throughout the day.   Even though · reading every phone message · skimming every email · and listening to every new song can help you feel ‘in the loop’; it could be the reason you’re tired all the time too.   Yet, a simple and free method has been shown to: · reduce your blood pressure · increase your ability to focus · normalize your sleep cycle · and calm anxiety   That is, silence.   Silence is one of the most effective ways to bring your body and mind into a state of calm.   In silence, there’s no external input. No external input makes your mind feel safe. This tells your body to reset your nervous system— back to rest.   Here are simple silence methods, to get you body and mind into a state of ease: · Take a walk in nature, without earphones · Turn off the car radio as you drive · Wake up early · Journal · Meditate   If you haven’t practiced silence in a while, it can feel uncomfortable. Try starting with short periods, as you get used to the experience.   How often do you take moments of silence? Daily, weekly, monthly or every so often?   #mindful #mindfulness #meditation #selfcare #mindset #mentalhealth #wellness #motivation #gratitude #wellbeing #inspiration #healing #health #fitness

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  • Here’s how to beat winter blues, without any sun: Our mood and energy can see a drop when it’s cold. Shorter days leave many feeling tired and craving comfort food. But what if you could get that ‘summer’ feeling without the sun? Research shows ‘light boxes’ are a great way to copy what the sun does to your body. A light box is a flat surface that produces light. People sit in front of them, triggering the brain to release mood boosting hormones—serotonin and melatonin. These hormones also improve your sleep cycle and energy. Even a 9 study analysis on the success of light boxes showed they reduce symptoms of non-seasonal depression when used for 2—5 weeks (Al-Karawi et al., 2016). After all, what makes summer feel great is the sun’s light! It makes you feel adventurous and motivated. Which keep the risks of getting low light at bay, like: ·unhappiness ·poor sleep quality ·low energy ·and a weak immune system. Have you been feeling low mood and tired during these cold months? Did you know artificial light could boost your mood, sleep and energy levels? People only need to use light boxes for 30 minutes a day to trigger the benefits. Please note, it’s recommended that: you see a healthcare professional before using a light box; you check the manufacture guarantees the box does not emit UV light; you sit 20-24 inches from the box for just 30 minutes in the morning; the box delivers no more than 10,000 lux of light. Light boxes are not recommended for people with eye or eye related issues.     #mentalhealth #stress #wellbeing #menopause #weightloss #therapy #wellness #anxiety #depression #mindfulness

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  • Feeling demotivated about your goals? Here’s how 1.5 hours per week will get you back on track: The ability to · make good decisions · solve issues · stay goal focussed and · remember things is regulated by a part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex. Remember all your childhood anxieties? Dread filling your stomach as your parent pulls into the driveway, because you forgot to defrost the food. Agonizing over a math problem you just can’t solve. Or feeling nervous about picking the right partner. But as you grew these overwhelming feelings calmed down. You remembered things. Solving problems got easier. And judging personalities became a skill. That’s because your prefrontal cortex matured. This part of the brain is fully developed around age 25. Yet, as people get even older their prefrontal cortex usually does the reverse. Instead of growing and strengthening, it thins. This makes it hard to focus on goals, remember things and multitask. Have you ever lost your glasses, just to feel slightly embarrassed as you see them on top of your head in the mirror? That could be your prefrontal cortex at play. But exciting studies show there’s a way to improve your prefrontal cortex as you age. Through exercise! Exercise increases the dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones in your brain. These are crucial for keeping focus and motivation on your goals. Although it can seem hard, a little movement goes a long way! Just 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week will start effecting your brain. If you’re struggling with time, try fitting movement in with your daily tasks. For example, try parking 20 minutes away from your workplace. That way you can walk to work and fit movement in your normal schedule. You don’t have to sweat buckets to see results. Walking, stretching  or a light bike ride are great ways to get started. Help turn feelings of boredom, demotivation and lack of interest around today, with a bit of exercise! #health #motivation #exercise #goals # entrepreneur #business

  • Here’s a natural drink that's low in calories, high in protein and will aid your weight loss with just 1 ingredient: The world of weight-loss and health drinks can be confusing. Many have big claims, but their ingredients can be unclear. That’s why a simple homemade drink, with just 1 ingredient would be perfect! And that drink is chickpea water. Simply cool the water used to boil chickpeas, and you'll have a low-calorie, protein-rich drink. Health benefits of chickpea water include: ·Weight loss— low in calories, but high in fibre. The fibre triggers your stomach to feel full for longer periods of time. This will reduce how often you eat. ·Lower cholesterol— the fibre in chickpea water is also soluble, which stops your body absorbing cholesterol. ·Better blood sugar levels—the carbohydrates in chickpeas digest slowly, preventing blood sugar spikes. This refreshing drink is enjoyed in cultures worldwide, from the US and France to the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa. Next time you want to boil some beans, why not make this health packed drink too, by boiling some chickpeas. #health #healthylifestyle #fitness #food #motivation #weightloss #vegan #nutrition #training #wellness #diet #organic

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  • The dangers of ultra-processed foods are huge. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and rapid weight gain are strongly linked. Here are 4 tips that’ll help you live longer, by recognizing the right foods to buy: Ultra-processed are the foods we love to snack on— from ice cream to ham, biscuits to fizzy drinks, instant soups to frozen pizzas. The taste tingles our tongue. But the impact on our digestive system is less appealing. Food is separated into 3 groups: ·Unprocessed (natural) ·Processed (food with a few additions) ·Ultra-processed (food that’s been changed a lot) Ultra-processed food usually has heaps of sugar, salt and fat added. These ingredients put a strain on your digestive system. In fact, a 15-year study was done on 19,899 people where the food they ate was tracked (Rico-Campà et al. 2019). Results showed people who ate 5 or more portions of ultra-processed food daily were 62% more likely to die within approximately 10.4 years, compared to those who barley ate them. Although processed food can be tempting, the benefits of unprocessed food massively boost your health! For example, unprocessed food helps you with: ·Easier digestion— unprocessed food is high in fibre. Fibre helps stop digestion pain and constipation · Weight management— the fibre makes your stomach feel full for longer. This will stop you snacking, helping keep your weight down ·Better sleep—Fruits and vegetables are a source of melatonin. The melatonin hormone improves your body’s sleep cycle ·Healthier heart— unprocessed food like seeds, nuts and grains contain nutrients like magnesium. Magnesium makes sure your heart beats at a normal rhythm and supports your heart cell function Yet, switching from processed food to a natural diet can be hard.  Consider these 4 simple steps to slowly transition: 1. Cook 1 'natural food only' meal per day 2. Check the ingredient list: on packets of food usually the shorter the list, the less processed it is 3. Snack on dried fruit: fruit has fructose in it, a natural sugar. Fructose doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels. But artificial sugar in processed snacks does 4. Prepare meals on a non-busy days: preparing multiple meals, then storing them in the fridge/freezer will help you save time on the stove and inches on the waist. It’ll be easy to quickly heat a meal on busy week days The healthier our bodies are, the longer they live. The longer they live, the more we can enjoy life. Help guarantee enjoying tomorrow for years to come, by giving your body the natural food it needs today. #health #healthylifestyle #fitness #food #motivation #weightloss #vegan #nutrition #training #wellness #diet #organic

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  • When you understand yourself clearly, it can make you more confident and creative (Silvia et al. 2005). Here are 3 ways to do it, this winter: Many people feel their energy levels and motivation drop when it’s cold outside. Since overcast weather doesn’t just cancel plans, it can haul our sense of passion for life too. Especially as we wrap up the year, and things naturally come to an end. But using rainy days, cancelled plans or unexpected forecasts can be a great opportunity to: 1)Meditate Busy schedules make finding time to clear your mind hard. Cancelled plans are a great opportunity to meditate and organize your thoughts. 2)Create new goals Often we’re so busy in the present, we forget to check where we are headed. Take some time to think about what you’d like in your next new season of life. 3)Thank yourself We can get so caught up in relationships, events and tasks that we forget all the energy we’ve given. In moments where life feels like it’s on pause, take time to thank yourself for the ways you’ve showed up this year. Embrace the winter pause to reconnect with yourself, envision your future, and celebrate how far you've come. #weather #nature #storm #travel #winter

  • You can decrease depression, stress and anxiety by changing what you eat. Here are 3 foods that’ll help: People with extraordinary minds include Albert Einstein, Serena Williams and Leonardo da Vinci. Yet what did they all have in common? A vegetarian diet. It's been shown that by simply increasing the amount of fruit you eat, you can decrease mental health strains. For example, 428 adults (average age 39) had their diet and mental health tracked. Results showed repeatedly eating fruit increased signs of positive mental health. Whilst repeatedly eating savoury snacks increased signs of depression, stress and anxiety (Tuck et al, 2022). Fruit gives your brain important building blocks to work properly. From vitamins to fibre and potassium. Without these, your brain doesn’t have enough fuel to function smoothly—often leading to low mood. Here are 3 fruits for better brain health and happier mood: 1)Oranges - packed with vitamin C, which protects your brain from damage 2)Grapes - helps protect your nerves 3)Bananas - Contain a protein (tryptophan) which produces a mood-brightening hormone Try eating these 3 fruits every day for a week, to feel more control over your mental health #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #therapy #healing #health #mindfulness #wellness #psychology 

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  • You have the ability to make your income sore, over time. Here are 3 mindset tips you can use to help you feel more secure when you look at your bank account: People with emergency savings are x3 times less likely to experience anxiety and depression at work according to Telus Health, 2024. Contrary to common belief, issues with saving money typically aren’t because of a lack of self-control. At least not to start with. Financial anxiety typically starts because people have a blurry vision of their ‘future self’. They don’t have a clear or precise picture of the feelings, mindsets and behaviours of their financial 'dream self’. All they can see, is today and the current bill on the table. When we can’t imagine our future and the path to getting there, organizing our finances in a way that’ll support it is difficult to achieve. In fact, a report by Yorkshire Building Society found that 58% of Gen Zs (16-27 years old) didn’t get financial education in UK secondary schools. Yet with the internet, learning new financial skills is easy. Just one search away. The difficult part is re-training our minds to see ourselves with a different future. Here are 3 simple ways to help you change your financial situation around, one mindset at a time: 1)Picture your future self owning and managing a successful business What passions do you get to work on in the businesses? What does your daily routine look like? What things do you invest your time and money into? The Why: Picturing how you’d like income to flow into your life, and attaching it to a hobby/passion you have helps your brain think of habits it needs to develop. Those habits can lead to change that’ll create the future you want. 2)Invest some money into a skill you want to improve, each month The Why: consistently investing in a skill teaches your brain how to spend money on something you’ll get a return on. When you see the benefits of the skill you build, it can give you confidence to spend money on financial investments. This will grow your wealth. 3)Every time you get paid or create a budget, tell yourself “my financial situation belongs to me” The Why: Seeing money fly towards bills, direct debits and scheduled payments can create a feeling of ‘being out of control’. When we feel a lack of control over our finances, we are more likely to spend money on unnecessary things.  Since it reinforces the feeling we already have. Yet, you can regain self-control by changing what you tell yourself. We can’t what we bought yesterday, but we can change how stable our tomorrow is. One money habit at a time. #invest #financialgoals #success #personalfinances #financenews #wealthbuilding #investments #moneytips #motivation #cashflow

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  • You can control your peace of mind by choosing what you watch. Here’s a tool that can help. A study on employees (average age 30) found that cutting social media use by half an hour per day for 1 week reduced feelings of stress, being overworked, and fear of missing out. Now, researchers from Nature Human Behaviour have developed a free tool that helps you regulate the content you consume, so you can take charge of your mood. Before creating the tool, a study on over 1,000 people showed: -Poor mental health was linked to browsing negative content -Viewing negative content made people feel worse -Those who felt worse were more likely to keep looking for negative content That’s because the brain creates a feedback loop—when you feel bad, you’re drawn to content that mirrors that feeling. But the good news is they’ve found a way to break the cycle! The tool works by labelling webpages as: -Likely to make you feel better -Likely to make you feel worse -Likely to cause no change Testing showed the tool increased the amount of feel-good content people chose. Your mental state is greatly affected by what you choose to see and hear. Making conscious choices about the content you click on can help you feel more peaceful and positive every day. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #health #wellness #mindfulness #wellbeing #mindset #psychology 

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