There are a ton of reasons for this. Some related to business modeling and some outside factors. However, I think its time we have the really difficult discussion about our business models in ticketing and how to scale efficiently while maximizing ROI from expenses. Take this example: an MLB team with 35,000 seats that has 10,000 Full Season Equivalents needs to sell 5,479 tickets per calendar day to maximize revenue. That includes Christmas, New Years, off-season, the playoffs when you are eliminated and each day during the season ( your inventory grows smaller as games pass). The math does not work without efficient scalability of marketing efforts. This includes regular seats and premium seating. You can not phone call and sell your way to maximizing revenue with that many tickets or suites unsold. The business model needs to be complete and not focused on control but utilizing all available distribution. And not just in utilizing retail but understanding when to best spend marketing to maximize pricing and sales or other relevant metrics. Until we realize that times have changed and there is a need to let go of control due to digital infrastructure and transparency readily available for consumers this will continue to trend downward.