Candidate profiles and insights in Recruiter

Last updated: 2 months ago

Candidate profiles in LinkedIn Recruiter include all candidate information in one place. Features like @mentions and shared conversation history make it easier to collaborate with colleagues and ensure you have the entire candidate story, while privacy controls ensure conversations remain protected.

You can access a candidate’s profile card from your search results, Recommended Matches, Talent pool, or Pipeline in a project. Click the candidate’s name and their profile will slide in from the right side of the page so you don’t lose your place in your search results. Candidate insights on the candidate's profile card and on the candidate's profile highlight key characteristics to help you find qualified candidates.

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Candidate profile cards

Candidate profile cards show the following information:

  • Experience – A summary of the candidate’s experience. Job titles in the Experience section may appear from member resumes.
  • Skills Match – Relevant skills from the candidate's resume that match your job post. Click a skill and click View profile to open the candidate’s profile.
  • Interest (available in Recruiter only) – “Likelihood of interest” helps you quickly identify interested candidates by summarizing and highlighting key interest signals from job seeking, InMail activities, and company info, such as Open to work, Active talent, and Interested in your company.
  • Activity – The activity on the candidate’s profile, such as the candidate’s current stage in your project or ATS, messages, notes, tags, and more.

Important to know

The Interest section on the candidate profile card, along with Open to work, Active talent, and Interested in your company, are available in Recruiter only and aren’t available in Recruiter Lite. Candidate details such as the Premium badge and number of roles held at current company may no longer appear on the candidate profile card. To view a candidate's full profile, click the candidate’s name and their profile will slide in from the right side of the page.

Candidate profiles

Candidate profiles include the following tabs:

  • Profile – The candidate’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Projects – A list of all projects where the candidate has been added to the pipeline.
  • Messages – Your message history and shared conversation history with the candidate.
  • Feedback – Feedback left by hiring managers.
  • Attachments – Attachments added by you or another user on your dashboard.
    • Attachments sent through InMail conversations will only remain in the your inbox and won't be transferred to the Attachments section on the candidate's profile. To appear under the Attachments section on a candidate's profile, it must be included by a candidate in a job application or uploaded on the candidate's profile by you or a user on your dashboard.
  • Recruiting Activities – Access to notes and other tools to help you and your team stay organized.
  • Recruiting Tools – Access notes, reminders, links, tags, custom fields, and other tools to help you and your team stay organized.
  • AI Summary – The candidate summary is a generative AI (GAI) feature that will save time by quickly summarizing the candidate's relevant skills and experience, relative to the search or project in which you're viewing them. The summary will also include relevant recruiting activity for the candidate, such as job applications, projects, messages, and feedback as well as candidate's open-to-work preferences and recent activities regarding professional growth. You’ll find this feature available from the Profile tab of any candidate in Recruiter. Note: We’re gradually making this feature available, and you might not have access to it at this time.

Candidate insights

Candidate insights highlight key characteristics on candidate profiles in Recruiter. This helps your hiring team easily view key insights on the candidate's profile card or on their profile to help evaluate candidates more efficiently and identify relevant candidates.

On the candidate's profile card, in the Experience section, you can see the candidate's years of experience and how many roles they've held at a company.

On the candidate's profile, in the Summary section of the Profile tab, you can view the May be open to changing jobs candidate insight. This candidate insight is available in LinkedIn Recruiter and isn’t available in Recruiter Lite. It includes information based on:

  • News coverage of company layoffs for the candidate’s current company.
  • Spikes in departures for the candidate’s current company.
  • If a candidate has been with the company longer than the median time for employees with that job title at the current company.

Important to know

The May be open to changing jobs candidate insight isn’t shown if the candidate has explicitly signaled Open to Work, and this insight isn’t shown for LinkedIn members from your company. The May be open to changing jobs insight and Open to work signal are available in Recruiter only and aren’t available in Recruiter Lite.

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