From the course: 3D Scanning: From Mesh to Model

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- [Instructor] Many times when you do a scan, you will end up with a 3D model that has some surface bumpiness, especially if you've turned up the resolution on your scanner to try and resolve very fine details. This is a key fob file, which will be in the course materials for this section. And you can see that this is a car key fob from my car, but if we zoom in, we can see that there is a lot of roughness to this scan. I turned up the detail very high on my scanner and got a model that did resolve very fine little details, like the little channels inside of the key presses and all of that but I did get a lot of surface bumpiness because areas of this object were slightly reflective in some cases and deep, dark black in others. We're going to learn how to do some smoothing on this. So what I want you to do is load up this keyfob.stl file and then go to sculpt. You have a slider up here for volume or surface brushes, I…
