From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training

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Choosing viewport shading modes

Choosing viewport shading modes - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training

Choosing viewport shading modes

- [Instructor] 3ds Max gives us many options for displaying objects in the viewport. We can change the viewport shading modes in many, many different ways, and that's important not just for aesthetics, but for productivity. For example, sometimes we need to see the surfaces of objects, and that's called a "shaded mode." Sometimes we just need to see the wireframes. First thing I want to show you is how to change up some basic settings that affect the quality of the display, and that's going to be found in the "Viewport Configuration" dialogue. I want to talk about how to enable antialiasing and also how to disable progressive display. So, aliasing is when lines look crunchy, and that's what we see here on the grid. So we see some aliasing. We want to clean that up, make that smoother. The other thing I want to do is turn off progressive refinement of the display. If you move around in a shaded viewport using any of…
