From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
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Correcting a seam with Align to Grid - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
Correcting a seam with Align to Grid
- [Instructor] As you work on a symmetrical model, it's pretty common that some errors will start to get introduced so that the vertices, that are supposed to be right on the seam, or the reflection plane, kind of move away from that, and you'll get overlaps and gaps. It's just something that happens, in the normal process of modeling. We actually saw it happen in the previous movie, when we used transform constraints. Here I've got a version of the scene, where I've exaggerated the problem to really illustrate it. So provided that your model is positioned, really on the construction plane, then it'll be really easy for you to fix this issue. And when I say, the model should be on the construction plane, that means that the seam, and the pivot point of the model, should be right on one of the planes, of the world coordinate system. So if we're reflecting across the X axis, we want all the vertices to be on the Y Z plane…
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Best practices for modeling subdivision surfaces7m 54s
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Modeling with the Symmetry modifier8m 35s
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Refining geometry with SwiftLoop3m 14s
Constraining sub-object transforms7m 43s
Correcting a seam with Align to Grid3m 48s
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Baking subdivisions5m 28s