From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
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Editing a trajectory with a Motion Path - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
Editing a trajectory with a Motion Path
- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we tried to get a smooth animation by adjusting key frame values and tangent handles. I'll play back the animation and see what we've got. That technique can be challenging sometimes. If this were a more complicated walkthrough animation, we might opt to attach the camera to a spline using a path constraint. But this is actually a simple case and that would be overkill. I covered the path constraint technique in another course which is 3ds Max Cinematography for Visualization. In this case, we can get very good results using the Motion Path feature of the standard position controller. Stop that animation and rewind. All we have to do is select our animated object. In this case, the camera. And go over to the Motion panel and click the button labeled Motion Path to access a subpanel. Now we see that object's trajectory through space. And this shows why our animation looked a…
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Understanding hierarchies3m 49s
Moving pivot points5m 42s
Rotating pivot points5m 5s
Prioritizing rotation axes7m 11s
Linking objects4m 32s
Locking transforms5m 7s
Correcting and avoiding scale issues6m 43s
Choosing frame rate and playback speed7m 13s
Choosing the active time segment8m 12s
Creating keyframes in Auto Key mode4m 14s
Creating keyframes in Set Key mode8m 14s
Editing keyframes in the Track Bar timeline7m 39s
Editing keyframes in the Dope Sheet8m 14s
Editing keyframes in the Curve Editor7m 2s
Editing interpolation in the Curve Editor6m 31s
Manipulating tangents in the Curve Editor7m 6s
Editing a trajectory with a Motion Path8m 20s