From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
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Position objects with Select and Move - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training
Position objects with Select and Move
- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we got an introduction to using the Select and Move tool to position objects in the 3D world. Let's go a little bit deeper into that, and look at different ways we can do that including using numerical input and offsets. I've got a scene here that I provided with the exercise files. If you don't have the exercise files, you can just practice using some basic primitives. As we saw previously, we can move an object by activating the Select and Move tool. It's one of three transformation tools or transform tools. Up here on the main toolbar, we have Move, Rotate, and Scale. Let's look at Move. If we hover the mouse over some object, it will highlight in yellow, we'll get a yellow outline. That's called pre-selection highlighting. We haven't actually selected anything yet, but we're about to, so if we hover the mouse over this chair over here, we'll get some yellow pre-selection…
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Getting familiar with the interface4m 9s
Customizing a workspace6m 5s
Customizing background and grid colors9m 15s
Creating primitives with keyboard entry6m 33s
Creating primitives interactively with the mouse4m 20s
Position objects with Select and Move5m 25s
Rotate and scale objects6m 45s
Navigating in viewports5m 23s
Orbit and viewport Undo6m 1s
Accelerate workflow with hotkey shortcuts6m 25s
Customizing hotkeys6m 27s
Choosing viewport shading modes5m 23s
Advanced viewport settings8m 37s
Configuring viewport layouts2m 41s