From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Arrangement View audio export

Arrangement View audio export

- [Instructor] As you finish a project, you'll want to share it. So let's look at how you can export clips, tracks, and entire mixes from Arrangement view. I've got the Arrange Audio and MIDI Export Project open, and we'll start by exporting a MIDI clip. And let me mention that there is a limitation in Ableton in that you cannot export all of the MIDI from a project as one file like you can in most other DAWs. We can only do a single clip. So to do that, all we need to do is select the clip and choose Export MIDI Clip from the contextual menu. Now, I'm going to put this on the Desktop, so I'll go over to my Desktop so we can see it and we can see that we've exported this Sine Bass.mid file. Now, if you wanted to export the entire track, what we would need to do would be to consolidate all of the clips so that they're a single clip. So if I hold my shift key down and click over here at the end of the song, I can create a MIDI file that goes from the beginning to the end of this track…
