From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
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Clip View introduction - Ableton Live Tutorial
From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
Clip View introduction
- [Instructor] In order to edit MIDI pitch velocity or rhythm, you'll need to work in Clip View and the MIDI note editor. So let's take our first look. Now I've got the MIDI editor project open if you want to follow along. And we can open a clip in Clip View in either Session View or Arrange View, a few different ways. First of all, you can double click on the clip. You can also drop down here to the bottom of the interface and click the Clip View toggle. Or you can do it by key command and that would be command + option + 3 on a Mac or control + alt + 3 on a PC. But I'll just double click this sign base clip to open it. Now if you need to resize the Clip View, you can do that by hovering your mouse at the line at the top of Clip View and then dragging up or down, or you can maximize it by key command. And that's going to be command + option + e on a Mac or control + alt + e on a PC. And for our purposes today, let's just increase that just a little bit. Okay, with Clip View open, on…
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Clip View introduction8m 34s
Grid config5m 18s
Editing rhythm and quantizing7m 35s
Groove quantization6m 8s
Editing MIDI pitch and duration7m 37s
Editing MIDI velocity and chance8m 40s
Chop or split MIDI notes6m 24s
Session View: Copy and paste5m 41s
Arrangement View: Copy and paste5m 50s