From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Key mapping

Key mapping

- [Instructor] Key mapping can be used to create custom keyboard shortcuts, control Ableton live parameters, and reduce the amount that you have to use your computer mouse. Let's take a closer look. So I've got the key mapping project open. And key mapping is a relatively simple process. So let's go into key mapping by clicking on the key button here in the upper right hand corner of the control bar. And anything that can be assigned to be controlled by a key on our computer keyboard turns orange. And all we have to do is select that particular parameter and then press a key on our computer keyboard to assign it. So for example, I'd like to assign a button to the Stop all clips button. So I'm going to select that and I'm going to press C. Now we see that assignment pop up over here in the key mappings browser. Let's also select these two punch switches. So I'm going to select the first one and press P, and then the second one and press P 'cause I can assign the same key to control…
