From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Loading and saving instrument presets

Loading and saving instrument presets - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

Loading and saving instrument presets

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how to load instruments and instrument presets. So I've got a default set open if you want to follow along. And notice that in a default set that you get two midi, two audio, and two return tracks. If you decide that you want to delete any of these, you can do that by selecting the plugin header and hitting the delete key on your computer keyboard. And notice that you can't get rid of the last track. You have to have at least one midi or one audio track in a live set. Now at a later point, if you want to add a track, you can do that by going up to the create menu and choosing one of these top three options, insert audio, midi, or return track. And we're going to use the first two a lot, so I'll suggest that you remember these key commands, which would be command T for a Mac or control T for a PC for audio tracks. And for midi tracks, that's going to be shift command T or shift control T for a pc. And we'll use those here in just a minute. So let's…
