From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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MIDI Overdub and punch recording

MIDI Overdub and punch recording - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

MIDI Overdub and punch recording

- [Speaker] After making a MIDI recording, you may need to fix some of your work. So let's take a look at punch record. So I've got the punch record project open and let me just play a little bit of this so you can hear that I've got problems here at measure three in the base part. (mellow base music) So you can hear that I've got a note that's late here, that's a little bit early, and then there's too big of a gap between these last two notes. So what I want to do then is set a time range where I want to rerecord, and in this case it's going to be measures three and four. And I can do that using these punch in and out fields. So this first one determines the starting point where you want to drop into punch record and the second field determines the length that you want to have in your punch record pass. Now I find these fields a little annoying to use. So instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the loop brace to define that. So I'm going to click in the middle of that and…
