From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Mixer setup

Mixer setup

- [Instructor] Many projects tend to end up with a lot of tracks which can be difficult to manage. Let's look at how we can organize and make our projects easier to navigate. So I've got the Mixing Setup Project open, and let's start by closing areas of the window that we don't need all the time when we're mixing. For me, that's going to be the browser and anything down here at the bottom, like Clip View or Device View. Now, if you're working in Session View, we can do the same thing. And, additionally, because we have the ability to have the mixer in Arrangement View now, I don't want to duplicate the controls that we have on the mixer over here on the track headers. Now, we can get rid of these extra controls on the track header by going to the View Menu and down to Arrangement Track Controls. And in this case, I'm going to get rid of the Volume option. And so now we just have the track header there. Now, if you want to change what you're looking at in the mixer, remember that you…
