From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Real-time automation

Real-time automation

- [Instructor] Now that we're familiar with graphic automation, let's look at how you can record real-time automation using a MIDI controller. So I've got the Teal-Time Automation Project open, and let's get set up to record automation. So first thing I'm going to do is assign a knob on my keyboard controller to control a parameter here in Live, and we can do that using MIDI Map Mode. So let's activate MIDI Map Mode by clicking the MIDI button up here in the control bar, and now I'll select the parameter that I want to automate and turn a knob on my controller. And now when we look up here, we can see that that knob was sending Continuous Controller number 21, and it's been assigned to Track Volume on the Synth Pad track. Okay, let's hit Escape. And now when I turn my knob, I can see I've got control of that parameter. Next, I'm going to put my cursor where I want to start recording this automation. I like to see the automation as I record, so I'm going to click the button to go into…
