From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Record and punch record audio

Record and punch record audio

- [Instructor] Now that we know how to prepare to record audio, let's record an audio clip and then use punch record to fix any mistakes. So I've got a default live set open and I've already renamed one of the tracks. Next I'm going to connect a microphone to my interface. And then because I'm using a condenser microphone, I'm going to enable phantom power. Then I'm going to check my inputs. I've got this set to external in, which is going to accept audio from my interface, which is this prism layer that I have. And then I'm going to set this to the input on my interface that my mic is connected to. So I've got this set to input one. I've got four options here 'cause I've got four inputs on this interface, two analog and two digital. And since I'm only using one microphone, I'll make sure that that's set to a mono input. Next, I'm going to record enable my track. So I can check my level. Testing 1, 2, 3. And again, I can see that I'm right around that target minus 10 to minus 12. Then…
