From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
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Selecting and zooming - Ableton Live Tutorial
From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
Selecting and zooming
- [Instructor] Let's continue our closer look at arrangement view, and learn how to make selections and zoom in and out on a track. So I've got the arrangement view project open, and you'll notice that as I move my cursor around the interface, the cursor shape will change. For example, if I'm in the top half of the ruler, I'm getting a zoom cursor. If I go to the bottom half, I'm going to get a scrub cursor. If I go down on one of these clips, you'll notice that I get a grabber tool, and I can click that to select that clip. Now, if I want to select a portion of a clip, I need to increase the track height, so I'll click the disclosure triangle on that track. And now when I move into the bottom part of the clip, you'll notice that I get a pointer tool where I can click and select a point on the track, or if I click and drag, I can make a partial selection of a clip. Also, if I move my cursor over to the right edge of a clip header, I get a trim tool. And if I go to the left edge, I get…
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Arrangement View setup6m 50s
Selecting and zooming4m 11s
Controlling playback6m 11s
Loading and saving instrument presets6m 48s
Preparing to record MIDI6m 15s
Recording MIDI in Arrangement View4m 38s
MIDI Overdub and punch recording3m 26s
Computer MIDI keyboard4m 1s