From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Selecting and zooming

Selecting and zooming

- [Instructor] Let's continue our closer look at arrangement view, and learn how to make selections and zoom in and out on a track. So I've got the arrangement view project open, and you'll notice that as I move my cursor around the interface, the cursor shape will change. For example, if I'm in the top half of the ruler, I'm getting a zoom cursor. If I go to the bottom half, I'm going to get a scrub cursor. If I go down on one of these clips, you'll notice that I get a grabber tool, and I can click that to select that clip. Now, if I want to select a portion of a clip, I need to increase the track height, so I'll click the disclosure triangle on that track. And now when I move into the bottom part of the clip, you'll notice that I get a pointer tool where I can click and select a point on the track, or if I click and drag, I can make a partial selection of a clip. Also, if I move my cursor over to the right edge of a clip header, I get a trim tool. And if I go to the left edge, I get…
