From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
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Session View: Copy and paste - Ableton Live Tutorial
From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
Session View: Copy and paste
- [Instructor] Copying and pasting notes, clips and scenes are essential functions that we'll need when building song arrangements. So I've got the copy and paste project open if you want to follow along. And let's start by talking about how we can copy and paste in Session View and copy portions of clips. So to do that, I'm going to copy one of the clips here on the drum track to another clip slot, so I can work with an independent copy. So I'm going to hold down Option or the Ctrl key and just click and drag this clip down. Now with that selected, I'm going to increase the size of Clip View, so we have a little bit more room to work with, and then I'm going to delete some notes. Now if I start selecting notes, we're going to hear them, because preview is selected, so I'm going to disable that, and then I can just select a bunch of notes and delete them, so we've got a little room to work with. So if I want to copy a note, all I need to do is hold down my Option key and select that…
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Clip View introduction8m 34s
Grid config5m 18s
Editing rhythm and quantizing7m 35s
Groove quantization6m 8s
Editing MIDI pitch and duration7m 37s
Editing MIDI velocity and chance8m 40s
Chop or split MIDI notes6m 24s
Session View: Copy and paste5m 41s
Arrangement View: Copy and paste5m 50s