From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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The Ableton Live user interface

The Ableton Live user interface

- [Instructor] Let's take our first look at the Ableton user interface and see where things are located. If you want to follow along, I've got the AL 12 project file open, and I'll start by mentioning that there are two different workflows in Ableton. There's Session View and there's Arrangement View. I can switch between these two views using these buttons in the upper right hand corner of the interface. The one on the far right, that's the horizontal lines, if I click that, that will take me to Arrangement View. And if I go just to the left of that and click the one that looks like four vertical lines, that will take me back to Session View. Now as I did that, you might have noticed that kind of everything around the outside edges stayed the same. So across the top, we have the dropdown menus, and then below that, we have the control bar. And on the control bar, we'll see things like the tempo setting and the meter, the metronome on off button. As we move to the middle, we've got…
