From the course: Adobe Analytics Essential Training

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Applying Metrics to a Workspace project

Applying Metrics to a Workspace project - Adobe Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Analytics Essential Training

Applying Metrics to a Workspace project

- [Instructor] What's data without numbers? Well, basically just a bunch of words. Sounds more like a book than an analysis. Looks like a nice weather forecast, doesn't it? Want to go? Well, how about now? Ah, it's freezing. And this is why metrics are so important. Metrics answer questions like how many and how often. Since they're clearly imperative to all analyses, I'll walk through the best ways to add them to Analysis Workspace and customize them. When you're in an Analysis Workspace project, all of the metrics that you have access to can be viewed over here in the left rail. If you need to access a metric that isn't listed you can always click Show all or Metrics to see more than just your five most used ones. And now you can see the hundreds of metrics that you have access to, which, honestly, makes it a little hard to find your metric needle in the report suite haystack. So instead, I usually find my metric…
