From the course: Advanced Mobile Endpoint Management with Intune

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iOS worksite deployment, Single-App Mode

iOS worksite deployment, Single-App Mode

- [Instructor] iOS Single App Mode deployment. This is very similar to Zero Touch, but it locks the device into a single application. Let's take a look at how Intune is configured in order to provide Single App Mode deployment. Here in Intune, we'll select Devices, and iOS and iOS enrollment. For the purposes of this video, we used Apple Configurator to get a device into Intune. Through Configurator, allowed us to do Single App Mode. Let's take a look at that device. This was our Single App Mode device. Recognize it's registered without a device name other than iPhone. It's a corporate device, and it's compliant. Also in the configuration of the iOS device, we'll select Devices, iOS, and select the Configuration profile. In this iOS Single App profile, this is the profile that is pushed to the device by Apple Business Manager and Intune and is associated with the group that we set at the beginning, Single-App Group.…
