From the course: Advanced Power BI: DAX Language, Formulas, and Calculations

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DATEADD DAX function

DATEADD DAX function

- [Instructor] Filter functions let us change the pivot coordinates at which we're evaluating our measures by either expanding the rows in the active data table or moving them to another position, like the date filter function, DATEADD. This function has three input parameters. The first is the date field we want to apply the filters to. The second is the number of time unit intervals to move the date field in the first parameter by and finally, the third parameter is the time unit interval we want to move the date fields by, which includes day, month, or year. Like other DAX filtering functions, DATEADD isn't a standalone function in a measure calculation, but instead it needs to work in conjunction with an aggregation. I recommend building out DAX calculations step-by-step. Even if this process takes a bit longer in the interim, it will likely save us a lot more time in the long run. We'll add a new measure for the loan…
