From the course: Advanced SQL: Logical Query Processing, Part 1

Course introduction

(upbeat music) - [Ami] You're an uprising or seasoned data practitioner. You write SQL for work or for fun. You taught yourself SQL or perhaps taken a few courses. You feel you have a decent hold of the syntax and you manage to get stuff done in SQL reasonably well. And yet, you often find yourself scratching your head, trying to wrap it around this extremely annoying query. Why doesn't it work? Well, don't feel bad. It is not your fault. No one ever taught you how your queries are processed and why they work that way. Query processing order is one of the most fundamental aspects of SQL. In this course, I invite you to say goodbye to many hours of frustration, and hello to the beginning of a fresh, solid understanding. For this course, I will assume that you're somewhat familiar and experienced using basic SQL, but even if you're just starting your SQL career and not fully confident yet, I suggest you don't go anywhere before you complete this course. In the following two hours, we're going to explore the subatomic structure of a SQL query from a fresh new angle, which will bring with it radical new insights into SQL's beauty and its power. We are not going to write two page long complex queries, that will come in the following courses. This course is needed as a foundational back to basics so that the complexities that will follow will come effortlessly. You will begin to see SQL queries through the eyes of the database, exactly as it processes them and unveiling the intricacies and logic behind every clause. Layer by layer, chapter by chapter, we'll uncover how SQL queries are processed. You will learn methodologies for analyzing and solving SQL challenges, and how to avoid the most common pitfalls. You're about to take the most significant SQL course ever. This is not your typical script kiddy course. It's going to challenge you every step of the way, and much more so, on the topics that you think you know and take for granted. Remember, "it ain't what you don't know "that gets you into trouble, it's what you know for sure "that just ain't so."
