From the course: Advertising on LinkedIn

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New measurement suite

New measurement suite

- [Instructor] The default metrics and performance indicators that you see from your ads inside of Campaign Manager tells you one part of the story, but LinkedIn's always looking to expand the intelligence tools it provides to advertisers. Here's what's new in LinkedIn's Measurement Suite. First, there's the Company Insights Report. If you go inside of the navigation in Campaign Manager in Plan and then Companies, this will show you a list of all companies that have seen or engaged with your ads, which is a really powerful report. What's even more exciting is that you can create either a dynamic or a static company list directly from here. For instance, one of my favorite uses of this would be to sort the list of companies by their level of engagement. You could select all of the companies that are either, like, medium to highly engaged with your ads and then create a dynamic list based off of this that you can show ads to in a different campaign. And what's so cool about this is as…
