From the course: Agile at Work: Building Your Agile Team

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Establishing why agile is needed

Establishing why agile is needed

- Becoming a professional agile team means re-engineering the way they think about work. Agility is a mindset that can be improved and not perfected. Your team will always be on their agile journey. There's no agile pizza party or agile complete memo. There's no finished agile box that you can check. This makes agile particularly difficult to start in your organization. There's a long ramp-up period. It requires people to think differently, and there's an unclear timeframe. In a sense, it's a never-ending process improvement. When you start introducing agile, you want to identify why the organization needs to change. That will help you build a foundation that will sustain your organization for the long haul. Don't start by promising immediate results. That type of expectation is almost sure to fizzle. Instead, start by listing the challenges you have with your current projects then see if you can get everyone to agree that there's a need for change. It'll be much easier to start agile…
