From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
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Gathering the roadblocks
From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
Gathering the roadblocks
- It's not always the leader pushing forward. There are people who keep the team from sliding backward. That's where the scrum master comes in. The scrum master needs to remove the obstacles so the team can focus on delivery. These obstacles can mean many different things. Sometimes it's hard for scrum masters to sort out the difference between removing obstacles and managing the team. Instead of thinking of obstacles individually, try to think of them in different groups. In general, there are five groups of obstacles that you'll run into on your Agile project. If your obstacle is not one of these groups, then you might be in danger of managing the team. You can remember the five groups by thinking of the word smith. This stands for setup, mentoring, input, training, and hiring. The first group of obstacles is setting up the team. So S, for setup. In some organizations, setting up a shared workspace is an enormous…
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