From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings

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Having daily stand-up meetings

Having daily stand-up meetings

- A standup is contrary to how most people think about working. Of all the Agile activities, the daily standup is probably the most misunderstood. The standup is about self-organizing. The development team stands in a circle and updates each other about what they're working on. The standup is typically at the beginning of every day, but it's not the first thing in the morning. Give the team a little time to settle in. Most standups start at 9:30. The team will stand in their shared workspace and form a circle. They stand to keep the meeting shorter. If your team decides to sit down during a standup, then they could have a difficult time finishing. Some teams like to stand in front of the task board so they can point to their work. Other teams will stand wherever they're comfortable. There's one daily standup for every team. You should never merge several teams into one standup. The timebox is never large enough to…
