From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
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Running Agile meetings
From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
Running Agile meetings
- There are five well-established activities in scrum, they are the standup, planning, refining, demoing, and improving. Each of these activities should produce an outcome. Each activity is lightweight, but it has a tight agenda. Four of the five are limited to a maximum time. If you're the scrum master over the team, make sure you understand all these activities and their expected results. In the beginning of the project, most of the scrum master's time will be safeguarding these activities. The scrum activities should have the fewest number of people. Everyone should be focused on achievable results. In traditional meetings, there's a tendency to make sure everyone has a voice. When a project overlaps with a department, then you need to invite a representative to join. In Agile, the activities strive to become smaller and shorter. That's why the agenda for these activities is limited in time and scope. These…
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