From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
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Staying lightweight
From the course: Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings
Staying lightweight
- Most schedule meetings are considered low value work. The management consultant Peter Drucker once said meetings are a concession. Either meet or work. You cannot do both at the same time. This is particularly true of status meetings. These are the meetings familiar to anyone who's worked in a large organization. It's usually the presenter with the slide deck updating a small audience. The challenge with these meetings is that they don't deliver customer value. Remember that Agile emphasizes working software. Anything that's not working software's considered low value. In modern teams, working software requires some internal collaboration. A status meeting is not collaborative. It's usually one person presenting to an outside group. I once worked for an organization that emphasized what they called project socialization. It was the organizational equivalent of you tell me what you're doing and I'll tell you what…
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