From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers

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Creating an agile framework

Creating an agile framework

- [Instructor] Another key aspect of managing growth with the Agile product development process is managing the growth of the core team, as it extends out and additional capabilities are needed. As you likely suspect, the core team can only keep up with a project so far before running out of bandwidth, requiring additional stakeholders to be added to the team. In fact, well before the design and requirements have started to stabilize, you may need to add additional stakeholders to the team. But simply adding people in an ad hoc manner can result in a very unwieldy team. Instead, what I suggest is you look at adding people according to an Agile framework. What I mean by that is that if you take your core team and examine the stakeholders that are involved and the roles that need to be added for the new expanded team or for the new capabilities that are being added to the team, what we can do is we can take one of the key members of the core team and have them be on the focus team…
