From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers

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Fostering communities of practice

Fostering communities of practice

- [Instructor] Another key enabler for the success of agile new product development are the development when fostering of communities of practice. Now communities of practice may go by different names. And they may have different components. But what I wanted to do here is briefly introduce the concept of communities of practice and how they fit into and support the agile project management methodologies. Let's discuss an example of community of practice. Earlier, we described how a core team could foster three subteams. Each of which was responsible for working on a particular part of the solution. If a person from each one of these teams decided to get together outside of their regular project teams, to work on delivering more efficient design reviews, a community of practice has just developed. To begin with, a community of practice should offer mutually beneficial engagement. That means that the professional joining the community is getting as much out of it as the community is…
