From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers

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Prepare your organization

Prepare your organization

- [Instructor] Another key aspect of starting your first Agile new product development project, is preparing your organization, and there are a few key points that we must go over regarding organizational change and organizational preparation. First, make sure that your organization is prepared to change. The Agile mindset that we'll be adopting does change many different roles and aspects of project execution. Ensure that your organization is aligned around these new ideas, and fully ready to support them. As a project manager, you also know that executive sponsorship is important. Just like in traditional project management, every project has a sponsor. What's critical about an Agile project, especially your first Agile project in your organization, is that the executive sponsor sets the stage that there will be some unknowns, and there will be some process issues to work through. With the Agile project you're introducing different levels of power and different levels of…
