From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers
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The iterative approach of agile: Part 1
From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers
The iterative approach of agile: Part 1
- [Instructor] We've just spent a few minutes talking about the challenging that manufacturers face in a new product development environment. And we've spent a little of time talking about some of the challenges brought about by the traditional waterfall, or traditional project management methodologies. Those again in summary are that the development typically lags the requirements gathering. So a lot of work is done up front and a lot investment is done early on in the process, despite the fact that the customer may come out with more requirements later on. Also the customer is not continuously engaged. Now the examples we gave were very simplistic of course. And the customer typically would be involved at some level. But, generally what happens, is that the new product development process is requirements gathering heavy at the beginning and then there is a pause or there is a lag, perhaps even a gap, you could describe it, where the customer's not continuously engaged until later on…
Business pressure on manufacturers: Part 13m 49s
Business pressure on manufacturers: Part 27m 3s
The iterative approach of agile: Part 15m 35s
The iterative approach of agile: Part 24m 44s
The mechanics of agile2m 53s
The role of the project manager3m 8s
Project team member roles4m 11s
Agile compared to waterfall: Part 14m 13s
Agile compared to waterfall: Part 23m 12s
Chapter one summary2m 9s