From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers
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Where agile works best
From the course: Agile New Product Development for Manufacturers
Where agile works best
- [Narrator] Many organizations struggle to apply agile principles in product engineering. Some critics argue that it simply isn't practical to apply agile principles in a physical product development environment. Because unlike with software development which may benefit from flexibility afforded by agile to address the, has needed bug fix or the software upgrade. Product engineering requires structure and definition. And a well defined set of of upfront processes. Yet we know from the survey evidence just cited, that more and more product development is anything but well defined. Increasingly, product requirements are not static, products are constantly being improved or modified via software updates, or they're changing form based on customer driven enhancements. This is where the agile new product development environment can provide some key advantages. By definition, agile is a methodology that embraces readjustment as needed. And one that enables a team to redirect all its…
Where agile works best3m 2s
Converging on a solution4m 3s
Modularized work in agile4m 57s
Agile fosters collaboration2m 48s
Agile fosters collaborative teams4m 31s
Agile fosters creative teams3m 16s
Agile and Stage-Gate3m 49s
Chapter two summary2m 1s