From the course: Agile User Experience Design and Research
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Scrum key players - Figma Tutorial
From the course: Agile User Experience Design and Research
Scrum key players
- [Instructor] Now that you understand the basic building blocks of scrum, epics and user stories, let's go over the key players in a scrum. We're going to have these three groups of individuals. We'll have the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is the business person responsible for the overall product. You may also hear this person be called the PM, or Product Manager. The PM is the overall champion of the product, ensuring the company understands why the product and its features are going to market, and how it will be successful against other products in the competition. Their primary focus is the business and marketing goals, and they are the ones that come up with the requirements and the epics, for the product that go into the product backlog. We'll cover the product backlog in a moment. The PM also is the one responsible for deciding which features should be delivered, in…
Introduction to the two agile frameworks44s
Scrum: Terminology and building blocks5m 29s
Scrum key players3m 21s
Scrum key touch points4m 54s
An introduction to kanban1m 19s
The kanban process3m 32s
Pain points for UX teams using agile frameworks4m 28s