From the course: AI-Powered Presentations: Crafting Compelling PowerPoints with ChatGPT and Copilot

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Applying a corporate template

Applying a corporate template

- Now that we have our slides, let's make them look more visually appealing. Now, it's very likely that your organization has an existing company template, so let's make sure we match the slides in order to be compliant and consistent with our branding. While there are several ways to do this, the simplest one is to create a copy of the corporate template, rename it, and then copy/paste in the new slides. So the first thing I'll do is navigate to the folder on my computer where my template lives. In this case, it's on the desktop. I'm going to make a copy by selecting it, right clicking, copying, right clicking, paste. I'll need to change the title. What I'll do is I'll copy the title from here. I'll go ahead and click into the title here, control V to paste, and I'll add, let's say, the word branded. There we go. Now I'm going to open this presentation. Okay, so now that I have my template open, I'll go ahead and delete all of these slides. Next, I'm going to go to the presentation…
